Saturday, January 24, 2004

I-171H Arrives

Albert, and I were having breakfast when we heard the postal carrier at the door. The dogs go crazy, which is really what alerted us to the postal carrier. Anyway, we have a slot through the door that the mail comes through. I leaned back to yell at the dogs to knock it off (they were really loud) and saw the mail as it was spilling into the hallway. I saw a brown envelope. Now, I have been sending away for all of these free samples lately so I thought it was one of those.

I ran over to get it and when I looked at the envelope, I saw that it was from Homeland Security. Quickly I scooped it up and ran over to AR. "I think we got it," I shrieked. Carefully I opened it up, but there were a few documents in there. I was looking for the I-171H somewhere on the forms...I didn't see it. "

Well, is it the form?" AR asked.

"I can't tell," I replied as I was flipping through the documents and then, I saw it.

There was the tiny I-171H in the corner that I was looking for. Yes, we have the approval!!!!! On 1/24/2004 we received the I-171H. I ran out the door now to make copies, got them notarized and off to the state of NJ for the seal. And, I was doing the happy dance the whole way!

Friday, January 9, 2004

Fingerprint Appointment

I sent the form into Homeland Security on 12/11/2003. On 12/15/03 I received a letter from them with an appointment date of 1/9/2004. To say I was disappointed is an understatement. I thought that I might be able to have an appointment before the end of 2003, but that was not to be.

The AR, my dad and I were fingerprinted in Hackensack NJ at the Homeland Security office. My dad walked in first and he told the guard he was there for his fingerprint apppointment. The guard asked my dad why he needed to be fingerprinted and he said "for an adoption," the guard looked at my dad and said, "You're adopting???" We all had a laugh at that, but then he realized that AR and I were adopting.

Fingerprints were done and now I am just waiting for the I-171H to arrive in the mail. How long will it take??? Guess that is the big unknown. More waiting...