Thursday, April 1, 2004

The Wait

The waiting is the hardest part...Yes it sure is, but I have been keeping myself very busy. First order of business is to switch all the rooms around. Albert and I were moving out of the master bedroom suite so that my dad could move from the medium sized bedroom that we were going to take. His having the larger bedroom allowed us to also move his tv, books and computer from the den that will be our daughter's room. It is the smallest of the three bedrooms.

It is a pretty straight forward thing, just moving stuff around, but my dad is someone who does not like change. He understands why we have to move everything, but he isn't so sure why we have to do it now when we don't even have a referral yet. I tried to explain that I couldn't wait until I got the referral as there would be so many other things I'd have to do then, but he thinks I am just a little crazy I guess, but he is going along with it, begudgingly!

The trick to this multi-room move is to do it when my dad will be out of the house for a few hours because there is going to be stuff all over the place. In addition, we had to call the cable company and the phone company in to move the cable and change the telephone lines, so there was going to be a bit of confusion. So that was our plan and it pretty much worked. We had to move all of our stuff out of the master bedroom in put it in the living room and dining room temporarily. This enabled us to move all of my dad's bedroom furniture into his new room. Then we moved all of his stuff from the den into the bedroom.

Then we painted his old bedroom so that we'd have fresh paint on the walls. It is always best to paint when there is no furniture in the room, so this was a grand opportunity. We did however, have to sleep in the living room that night because it was so late by the time the painting was finished that we did not a. have the energy to move the furniture into the room and b. did not want to sleep with the paint fumes so strong.

By the end of the weekend my dad and I had switched bedrooms and my daughter's room was empty. This room was going to require a lot of work. Painting, new carpeting, fix the crack in the ceiling and put trim on the window. See, we will have a lot of stuff to do while we wait!