Sunday, August 29, 2004


Okay, now the CCAA is predictable to a point. I know it goes in cycles, but they have been sending referrals every month. We, the waiting, have come to expect this. Well, since we've been waiting, they have been sending referrals every month. We are definitely next. I mean, we missed the cut off date last month by one day so we know that we have to be in the nest set of referrals, which should be this month and yet, it is nearly the end of August and NO REFERRALS. There isn't even a referral rumor.

Why am I being f***** with? WHY? All I want is my baby. Really, is that too much to ask? I don't know how much more of this I can take. Truthfully, I feel as if I am a woman on the brink of insanity. I am on night and day hitting that refresh button. I cannot even pretend that I am getting any work done at work either. I am a complete basketcase.

If my referral doesn't come soon, it won't even matter. I will be in the looney bin. Stop by and visit, will you?