Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Me 1, Pinky 52


I resolved to extract urine from Pinky by 12/31/2006 and I am happy to say that I did get that accomplished. As you can see from the title of this post, there was much work on my end in order to get the task completed.

The animal hospital gave me a bend-able Dixie plate-ish rectangular kind of container to catch the pee. It looks sort of like a french fry holder that you would get on the boardwalk at the shore. I attempted to use this many times with no luck. I started to fold it upwards so it would easily fit through her legs without touching her. I was able to get it under her, but as soon as I did, she would stop peeing.

It got to the point that when I was following her around the yard, she would just sit down on the cold ground. I suppose she was thinking that she could outwait me, but she thought wrong. On 12/29 I went out at 4:00 am when they went out for the first pee of the day. I figured that with their full bladders coupled with cold air, I would have a much better chance of getting the pee. Pinky kept squatting and running to get away from me.

On 12/30 I was able to get 2 drops. Literally, two drops of pee. I really didn't think that was going to be enough, but I poured it into the bottle that the animal hospital provided and refrigerated it.

Time was running out, so I resorted to drastic measures. Both of my chihuahuas love tea. Yes, hot tea (a post for another day). Yes, I know that I spoil them, but lets move on, shall we? I brewed a giant cup of blueberry tea and added milk to it. Pinky was climbing up my leg to sit on my lap just to watch me drink the tea. She was starting to drool. I let her slurp from the cup. She drank deeply from the giant vessel. I let her drink and drink. I even let Chi-Chi have some, but Pinky got to finish it up. Then I waited 15 minutes and opened the sliding glass doors to let them into the yard.

I was right behind Pinky with my crazy french fry holder. No sooner had she cleared the last step of the deck than she went into squat mode. She didn't even sniff out a good place to go. I was right there and positioned the container perfectly. She peed and peed. I had my sample! Woo-Hoo!

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