Saturday, March 1, 2008

Not Another Blog!

Okay, I admit that when I first started blogging that I didn't know what I was getting myself into. I started off writing my adoption blog about my trip to China to adopt my daughter. Then I wanted to write about my chihuahuas, so I started another blog to write about them. Then I started a third blog about my fat surgery. Attempting to keep up with all three was nutso, but even more nutso was that I was contemplating a fourth blog to blog about my dissatisfaction with my job and my life. I knew it had to stop so I decided to create one blog that will encopass all of them. This way I have just one place to go to and I can blog away. If you only wanna read about my fat surgery, just do a seach on fat to pull up those posts. If you only care about my chihuahua antics, search chihuahuas. Okay?

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