Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Travel Rumor Dates

We are still waiting to hear what our travel dates will be. Even though we know we are going to China, we still do not know when. We can't make our flight plans yet, obviously, because we do not know when we will be going. I check the airlines and the prices change dramatically from day to day.

Tonight our adoption agency had a meeting in NYC to hear about travel plans. We went to the meeting to hear what they had to say. The travel coordinator from the home office in Saint Louis was there and she was telling us that we had to arrange our own travel to and from China (we knew this) and they handle all of the in-China flights and hotels. We just have to give them our travel info so that when we arrive in China, they will have a CHI rep there to meet us and take us to the hotel.

She said that she would definitely be in China by November 4th, but there was a possibility we could travel by October 28th! I say, the sooner the better. We should know for sure by next week.

The meeting was fun. We brought our referral pictures with us and everyone was oohing and aahing over her. There were people there who didn't have their referrals yet, so they were quite excited to see our pics.

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