Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I am Fat

My BMI is down to 35. This still puts me in the obese catageory. I need to drop 5 more points and then I will only fall into the overweight category. Somehow that just doesn't seem fair. I mean, I lost 70 pounds and I am still obese? Yeah, okay, so when I started this journey I must have been super obese, if that is a category, but you know what I am saying.

I am going to buy new pants this weekend. The old ones are really just too big. It was so windy yesterday and my pant legs were flapping like flags in the wind. Everyone has been telling me how great I look and all. I know I am losing weight, but when I look in the mirror, I still see a fat person. And according to my BMI, I am still fat, but I wonder when I will stop feeling like a fat person. When does that happen? Does it ever happen? Will I always think of myself as fat?

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