Wednesday, May 16, 2007

6 Month Post-Op Follow-up

Went to see Dr. Bypass this morning. I wasn't feeling all that optimistic. since my doctor appointments are stretched out to every two months now, it is harder and harder to keep off the scale until the next appointment. As a result, I have started weighing myself once a week. As I have been hopping on the scale for the past three weeks I have become concerned that the scale doesn't seem to be moving, which has unfortunately led to my jumping on the scale every single day. It has become my mania.

In addition, when I replenished my vitamin stock two weeks ago, I could not find the iron pills that I had been taking, so I purchased another brand. The new brand has constipated me to the point of extreme discomfort. I resorted to taking 6 Fibercon pills and two ex-lax pills with minimal results. I have now thrown out these new iron pills and will be on the hunt for the Slo Fe brand.

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