Friday, February 8, 2008

Pinky is in the Hospital

Poor girl. She woke up two weeks ago and the left side of her face was swollen so much that she looked like an Akita! I took her to the hospital for an emergency vet visit on a Sunday morning. She was in SO much pain that she would not even let the vet look inside her mouth. The vet suspected an abscessed tooth was the culprit.

We were sent home with pain killers and anti-biotic. The swelling went down after a few days and I made an appointment to go back so that they could get a look at her mouth. It appeared to be an tooth abscess, so Pinky was scheduled for dental surgery. They were pretty booked, but we managed to squeeze in. I didn't want to wait until the end of March which was when they originally booked her appointment.

I brought her in early this morning and she was not happy. She was not happy that she could not eat her normal breakfast (but she was absolutely gleeful when I gave her a bonus meal last night at 10:30 pm!). She conveniently forgot about the bonus meal. I thought it would make skipping breakfast less devastating, but I was wrong. However, Chi-Chi was able to gloat that she was eating a meal that Pinky had to skip!

The vet called and told me that Pinky was already awake. They had to pull five teeth, one of them was here canine (the big fang) that was the one with the abscess. She is resting and they will try to feed her later tonight. I won't be able to take her home until tomorrow sometime. They want to monitor her overnight and I think that is a

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