Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Diagnosis~Pinky Day 2 in the Hospital

Pinky is spending another night at the animal hospital. Her fever was nearly 105 last night, which is very high. Her UA came back that she had some crystals forming, but that is because her urine was so concentrated due to her being so dehydrated. The vet did an ultrasound and her pancreas is inflamed, which fits with the diagnosis of pancreatitis.

Dr. Hall's main concern is getting Pinky's fever down and finding a food that she can eat immediately. They did not feed her today and she vomited once. Long term we will need to find a food that will meet her needs as far as the bladder stone problem she has, but short term the pancreatitis is more life threatening and so we need to deal with this first.

Pinky should be able to go home tomorrow if she eats without vomiting and if her fever is down. Keep your fingers crossed. I miss my Pinky, but I want her to be well.

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