Sunday, November 14, 2004

Changing Money

Oh, boy. Does this take time to do in China! I found out that the White Swan Hotel will not change money for people if it is bank hours. You have to walk around the corner to the Bank of China and exchange your money there. This is quite a hassle.

When you walk in, you take a number. You then have to fill out paperwork for the reason of your visit to China. Sit and wait and wait and wait until your number is called. Not everyone is there to exchange money, so it can take a while depending upon why each person who is ahead of you in line is there at the bank that day.

After having had to do this twice already, I decided that I was going to exchange enough money so that I hopefully would not need to do it again. You definitely have to allow for at least an hour to exchange money at the bank. ARGH!!!

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