Thursday, November 18, 2004

Last Night in Guangzhou

We met Kim & daughter Peyton, her mom Marie, Pam & Steve and their daughter Gracie in the restaurant lounge to get our free drinks. When we arrived at the White Swan, we were given coupon for a complementary free drink and we all decided to save it for the last night. It was relaxing and we all chatted and watched the sunset over the Pearl River.

We decided to take our own red couch photos of our three girls. They didn't know what the heck was going on, but we had fun doing it. It certainly was less confusing than the day we tried to get the red couch photo with all the kids from our travel group!

Katrina is on the right, Gracie is in the middle and Peyton is on the left. Katrina took the cup of Cheerios that Gracie was holding and then Gracie began to wail, which pretty much ended our evening. We all needed to get to be early anyway because of the long excursion home.

We went back to the room and started packing We both had brought along clothing that we planned on leaving behind at the end of the trip. Things like socks and underwear that had seen better days were thrown out so we were able to fit all of the new stuff we bought in China in our bags. Other people we traveled with had to purchase another suitcase to bring home all of their stuff!

We gave Katrina a bath and we all went to bed. We have to get up pretty early tomorrow!

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