Friday, November 19, 2004

Coming Home Part 2

Because we were so late checking in, our seat assignments were screwed up. We didn't have to get a seat for Katrina on the way home, but we chose to do it so that we would ahve the extra room. We could not get three seats together! We had 3 bulk head seats, but only two of them were together, thus negating the roominess we thougt we were going to have. They provided us with a bassinet that screwed into the wall. I gave Katrina some liquid Benedryl and she promptly fell asleep in the basinet. However, AR sat with her and I saw a row to the right of them with our paid for unused empty seat. Kind of annoyed about that, but what can you do, right?

I did have to change Katrina's diaper, but no poop ones. At first I took her into the bathroom at teh front and actaully balanced her standing up while I changed her diaper. There wasno baby changing station on the plane, or at least, that is what I thought. Later on, I used the bathroom towards the back and there was a baby changing station (Okay, it was small, but it was there)in it. I had used the wrong bathroom, I guess.

I was able to move around pretty freely into the kitchen to get hot water for Katrina's bottle. She didn't cry and stayed pretty quiet. When we landed, the plane hit the runway pretty hard. She grasped onto to AR as if to say, "Daddy, please protect me," and he did so proudly.

We disembarked and retreived our luggage. Then we had to clear customs & immigration, which would be unusual for us since we were bringing Katrina into the country. We had to go to a special office to give more paperwork. It went very smoothly there and we were in and out in minutes. We said goodbye to our new friends, Pam, Steve and Gracie and went on our way. They had to catch yet another flight to Boston. We wished them well.

We were wondering what was going to happen as far as our car service goes. If you'll recall, getting to teh airport was a nightmare. We had paid them for serveice to and from the airport, so I was worried thate the car wouldn't be there and worse still, I was wondering if it would be the same driver.

As we were walking with our luggage,I saw a chauffeur holding a sign with our name on it. AT first I was relieved, and then I saw that it was the same guy! Not so thrilled with that. Anyway, I let AR deal with him, while I ushered Katrina into the bathroom to change her diaper again.

We went to the car and the chauffeur was apologizing up and down for what had happened that day two weeks ago when he was taking us to the airport. He just thought this was a vacation for us. He didn't realize that we were going to get a baby. We made amends of sorts and off we went. It was rush hour though and we had lots of traffic.

The chauffeur commented how he thought our house would be decorated with ballons and stuff. I hadn't thought about that. I mean, we live with my dad, but he wouldn't think to do anything like that. It made me sad to think that there wasn't going to be any kind of fanfare for her arrival.

Finally, we arrived at our house. The first thing I saw was this giant banner that said, WELCOME HOME KATRINA! in big pink letters. I started to cry. My dad was going to be a wonderful grandpa.

My dad came running out of the house and was at the car even before I got out. "Let me see my new granddaughter," he said. I handed Katrina over to him and he ran inside the house with her, so eager to look at her and hold her. Ar and I just laughed and we couldn't wait to get inside the house to start our new life together as parents.

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