Friday, September 14, 2007

10 Month Post-op Update

I had my official weigh in today and I lost 2.5 pounds for a total of 77 pounds! I know it is only 2.5 pounds in two months, but I will take it! I was on vacation for over a week eating out three times a day, so I am pleased with this loss.

I am still on track and doing well. I need to increase my aerobic activity. Lifting weights is important to me because it is really helping to keep my body toned, but it isn't helping with actual weight loss. I have to make sure I get to the classes at the gym. I will try the kick boxing classes again and get there for hip, butts & thighs class. I have started jogging on the treadmill and that is going okay. I don't remember EVER jogging before.

Last update I said that I was going to start recording my food intake. Did I do it? NO. See, I told you last time that was not my forte, but I know that iI need to do it. I just bought a memo pad and I will start today. Maybe It will help if I record the info here. What do you think?

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