Friday, September 14, 2007

Chickie Gets Adopted

Two weeks ago in Canada we bought "Chickie" for Katrina. Chickie is a cute, fuzzy feathery toy animal that really looks like a baby chick. It has a button under his butt that you press so he will chirp for a few seconds. He chirped his way from Montreal to Niagara Falls to New Jersey. She took Chickie everywhere, including bed and dinners out. They were insepararable until school started.

Katrina wanted to take Chickie to school, but I explained that chickies do not attend schools. She accepted that for her first week of school, but today she decided that Chickie was sad about staying home alone. (Not that she doesn't have 30 other dolls & assorted animals to keep Chickie company)! She told me that she heard Chickie crying. I asked her why Chickie was crying and she said Chicke was crying because he didn't have a mommy to look after him. Okay, I thought, this is going to get interesting!

I asked her why Chickie doesn't have a mommy. She said she didn't know why, but that some kids don't have mommies or daddies to take care of them. She asked if we could adopt Chickie so that he could have a family. I told her that I thought that was a fine idea and so we would adopt Chickie. She was so happy and concluded that Chickie would be okay at home because now he was going to have a family.

Kids are amazing, aren't they? At 3.5 years old, my daughter has a pretty good grasp of what it means to be adopted. I tell her all about her adoption story frequently, but she never really acknowledges that she really understands what adoption is. I guess she was listening after all.

Make sure you write that adoption story/lifebook that you have been meaning to get around to. Need help getting started? Sign up for a free adoption lifebook tips newsletter from Beth O'Malley: Her newsletter was very motivational.

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