Monday, October 23, 2006

Stressed Out

So it is October 23rd and I still don’t have an appointment to have my stress test done. I am so stressed over this (no pun intended, I swear!) like you cannot imagine. Why is this just so goddamned hard to get done? I’ve gone back and forth with my primary doctor’s office since October 13th. I foolishly believed them when they said someone would call me and leave me a message, which never happened. Precious time has been lost. It is difficult to make these types of phone calls from work too. I do not want the people I work with to know what is going on right now. Not their business.

Anyway, the way it was left off last Friday was that they sent the referral to Dr. Bypass. WHAT??? Why on earth would they send it to him? He isn’t doing the stress test. This has just become one confusing mess that I just can’t deal with it. I am to the point where I am going to say Fuck It and just forget the whole thing. I am that frustrated. I am so thankful that my wonderful husband has stepped in to get this done for me. Hopefully he will have good news to give me when we speak later today.

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