Monday, October 16, 2006

Yet another doctor

Dr. Bypass's office called me to inform me that I will need a new primary physician that is affiliated with the hospital. This is so that the doctor will be able to keep tabs on me while I am at the hospital and for any post surgical issues I may have.

I am not thrilled with this news because: 1. I like my current PHP and 2. Now I have to squeeze in time to meet this doctor before the surgery so "he'll know me." Yeah, after meeting me once for 10 minutes, he's really going to know me. I'm starting to think that this is just a scam to get hospital affiliated doctors more patients. His name? Get this, Dr. Fink! Yep, that is his real name. Funny, huh? My appointment is Oct 23rd at 5:30. At least I don't have to take off from work for this.

I also have to have a stress test done, which none of my doctors do in the office. I will have to go into the hospital to have this done. Which of my myriad doctors will be coordinating this??? I don't know and I am so confused right now. Why does everything have to be so complicated? Now I have to scramble to have that done as well. Oh, joy!

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