Thursday, October 26, 2006

More Stress

So I think my stress test is scheduled and then the hospital calls me and tells me that I have to bring the referral from the doctor, pre-certification and a prescription from the doctor. She left the message on my voicemail at work so nothing was explained. What precertification??? She said that she called Dr. Bypass and he said that they don't do the pre-certification.

I call her right back and get her voicemail and I leave a message for her and wait....and wait...I don't like waiting so I decide to call my new doctor that I saw Monday night. I'll get to that later, but I ask if the pre-certification is the same as the medical clearance, which we had discussed Monday night. Nope. They don't do pre-certifications. Dr. Bypass does that. ARGH!!! No one knows WTF is going on and I just want to cry. I hang up and wait.

The hospital called me and I asked her what the pre-certification was for. She said it was for the stress test. Okay, that helps a bit. I thought it had to do with the surgery. She told me to call my primary doctor to get the pre-cert and reminded me to get the referral and the prescription. I told her that the hospital should have the referral already, but of course, she said they didn't.

I shut my office door and call the referral people. They told me that I had to call a toll free number and make the appointment for the stress test. I already had the appointment for the stress test, but I play along. She gives me the authorization number which she says is the pre-certification. I call the 1-800 number and it was easy. I gave them my name and the authorization number and I told them where I was going for the test.

Then I sent my husband to my primary doctor to get the copy of the referral and the prescription for the stress test. They didn't understand why a prescription was needed because the referral was sent. AR came home with a piece of paper that he was told was the referral. Oh, it was a referral all right, but not the right one. It was a referral for me to see Dr. Bypass, which isn't going to help me get the stress test at the hospital. ARGH!!

We waited one day and then AR went back to the office. He was able to get the referral and the prescription. They knew he was going to come back because they realized they had given him the wrong referral. Would have been nice if they'd called us though, right?

It think it will be a friggin miracle if I actually have the surgery done on November 6th.

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