Thursday, November 2, 2006

Stress Test Part 2

Part two of the test was scheduled for 8:30 am on October 31. Yes, that meant Halloween. It is also my wedding anniversary. Silly me, but I thought that if I arrived early, they might take me early and that would mean less time away from work. I was there at 7:45. No, they didn't take me early.

I was called in at 8:35. Zippo personality was nowhere in sight. I was lead into a different room and the nurse had me sit down so that they could put an IV in me. I started to explain that I was hard to get a needle into, and she said, " Oh, we know all about you." Uh, oh. Sounded rather ominous. She said that they were bringing in their top gun to get the IV in me as Zippo personality cued them in as to how difficult it was to get my veins!

Teeka came in and she slapped my arms and tied two tourniquets on me to find my veins. I told her to go for the hand and she did--twice, with no luck. The vein on my hand was popping, so she was putting a lot of pressure on it to prevent bruising. She did not want to try a third time. They called for reinforcements. A former IV nurse came in and did a thorough examination of my arms. Slapping my veins and tying the tourniquets while she yapped on and on. She kept saying that she wouldn't stick me unless she was sure that she could find a vein. I was beginning to think that it was never going to happen and then she did it. Right in my poor hand that had already been jabbed twice. Ouch! It really hurt, but she got it in.

Next, the cardiologist was called. It seemed to take him forever to show up. They couldn't start the test without him. The EKG things were all over my chest and side and back and I was just waiting. He finally showed up sp the test could start. I started walking on the treadmill at a nice pace. Nurse took my BP and it was 144 over 88. After 3 minutes, they speeded me up and took my BP again and it was 160 over 89. He kept asking if I had any pain, if I was tired or if I had trouble breathing - no to all. Then they had me going super fast. I wasn't running, it was more of a fast jog. My BP was 180 over 89.

The treadmill stopped and the dye was injected. The cardiologist said I did fine, but had to wait for the x-rays to give me a passing grade. He said that I was hypertensive, yep, I already knew that and thought I should be prescribed a BP medication temporarily. I explained that I saw his colleague last night and he did prescribe me medication that I was to take right after this test was over. He seemed pleased. I waited in the waiting room for 20 minutes while the dye worked its way into my heart.

Zippo personality came back to get me. He took me into his lair and did the x-rays all over again. When he was done, he removed the IV and the EKG thingies. I decided to stop by Dr. Bypass's office because it was in the same building. As soon as I got there, and told them whom I was, they said they already had the results of the stress test and I was a go for surgery on November 6th.

All I needed now was my medical clearance. I asked which doctor I had to get it from, thinking it would be my new PCP. I was told Dr. R., my former PCP. Great, now I had to get an appt. with him!

Went to work and called my husband. Explained I had to have an appt. with Dr. R tonight! Reason? It is the only late night for Dr. R and Dr. Bypass needed the medical clearance in their office two days before surgery. He called me back in a huff. They told him it wasn't enough time to get the clearance and Dr. R was booked so I couldn't see him. They told him could come in at 1 pm to see a doctor I had never seen before. First off, I didn’t know this dr. and second of all, I just got into work at 11 am. I couldn't very well tell my boss that I had to leave at 12:30 for another dr. appt.

The whole thing was exasperating. I couldn't get the medical clearance until the stress test was done anyway. I didn't make an appt. with Dr. R because I thought my new PCP was going to do the clearance. I decided to call Dr. Bypass's office. Can Dr. Fink do my clearance instead of Dr. R? Sure, they said. Why didn't they tell me this earlier??? Okay great. Fax everything to him. I called Dr. Fink's office to let them know the paperwork was coming. I called my husband and told him to forget Dr. R. He said he made me an appt. with Dr. R at 4:45 on Thursday. Forget it! That was too late anyway and I already have Dr. Fink doing it and I don't have to go back to his office as I just saw him last night.

ARGH!!! Doctors and insurance companies. What a combination!

I see Dr. Bypass tomorrow morning at 8:30 for my pre surgery weigh in. If they tell me that they do not have my medical clearance, you will be able to hear my screaming from the comfort of your own house.

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