Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Day 1 Post-op

In the morning, a nurse came to remove the catheter. As soon as that was done, I wanted to pee, so they had to get me up, which was tough. I have 7 incisions in my stomach so just pulling myself up was a major feat. Hardly any pee came out though. My mouth was severely dry. I Brushed my teeth and it felt wonderful.

I went for a walk around the floor, which felt pretty good. When I came back to my room, a nutritionist was there telling me what I was going to be eating, or rather what I'd be drinking for the next two weeks. Clear liquids, so I could have water, diet tea like crystal light, diet jello, caffeine free tea and coffee, broth and sugar free ice pops. Day one I had to try to drink one ounce every 30 minutes by sipping slowly. The jello and juice did not agree with me. Not even the tea could I get down, so I stuck with water.

The more I drank, the more I peed, so that was pretty much the rest of the day for me. I tried the broth, but it made me naseous, so I would have to try that again tomorrow. I walked some more, but I was so tired from lack of sleep last night that I catnapped during the day.

At night I received a new roommate. She was having surgery on her arm tomorrow. Again, there was a lot of activity at night. Because I had been drinking so much, I was up ever hour to pee and then I decided to take a walk. This is how I got through the night.

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