Saturday, November 4, 2006

It's On!

Saw Dr. Bypass yesterday morning. He was NOT wearing that pinstriped suit. Nice to know that he has others. I noticed that the bowl of candy corn was gone from the office too. I thought he was trying to drum up business...I lost 4 pounds from my last weigh in. Woo Hoo!

They actually received all the information that they needed so I am scheduled for surgery on 11/6/2006 at 11 am. I have to be at the hospital at 9 am that morning and no food after midnight on 11/5. I don't know how long I shall be in the hospital. I could be released 11/8 or 11/9 depending upon how well I bounce back. I will be out of work 8 weeks, so my return to work date is January 1st, unless I feel tremendously better and then I can go back sooner/ Don't forget, I'm only getting like $150 a week or something for disability.

I'm going out today to buy some liquids that I will be eating for the next two weeks. More on that later.

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