Saturday, November 11, 2006

Post-Op Day 3 & 4

I keep waking up at 3:30 in the morning. Its really hot. The weather is unseasonably warm so that hasn't helped. I get up and pee, but then the dogs wanna go out to so I let them out and then try to go back to bed. I'm able to sleep a bit more on my side so that is good.

I'm not supposed to lift anything over 5 pounds, which means that Pinky isn't sleeping with me. She cannot jump on the bed. Its too high for her and I can't lift her up so it is driving her mad. I can hear her pacing around the bed with her tags a jingling.

Every day is getting a little easier. I'm getting my 4 ounces of liquids in every hour and I am taking all my vitamins. My daughter understands that she can't pounce on me and is very concerned about "mommy's belly." She has been taking out her doctor's kit to take care of me. Its cute.

Day 4 I am not napping as much during the day. AR took me for a ride in the car and for a trip to WalMart. It was good to get out into the fresh air, but as I mentioned, its like spring. You don't really need a jacket. Walking around WalMart tired me out pretty quickly. We bought a few things and came home. I had some broth and napped for about 45 minutes.

I would have napped longer, but I had a visitor. My first one! My uncle came and brought me two dozen roses. I couldn't believe how heavy they were! I put them in water and we visited for a while. Of course, the house was a complete disaster. The slipcovers were half on and off the couch & love seat, there were toys all over and leave particles were all on the carpet, and there were goldfish crumbs on the coffee table and a sock was on the floor. It was my husband's!

Well, what can you do? I'm not able to vacuum and such and AR has had his hands full with taking care of our daughter & dogs 24/7. By the time he left, it was time for Dr. Phil so the nap portion if my day was over. I made some peach jello. Not bad at all. I measured it out into two ounce portions and poured into little Solo cups.

I have only been taking the Percoset at night, but it seems to have no effect on me. I am still waking up at 3:30 in the morning, so maybe I will stop taking it. I definitely do not need it during the day. I am not in pain. I am just a little uncomfortable.

Tomorrow is Poo day. Dr. Bypass said I should have a bowel movement 4-5 days after the surgery and tomorrow is day 5. I thought I was gonna poo today a few times, but it was only gas. Yeah, I have a lot of that, but more burping than flatulence.

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